About the Paradigm for Transformation

Mission Statement

The Culture C.O-.O.P promotes systemic change, inclusion, equity, cultural competency,  diversity, literacy, and quality education for all. 

A Paradigm for Transforming Individuals, Communities, Systems, and Beyond

Our Approach

About the Paradigm

The Culture C.O.-O.P. has created a paradigm for transforming individuals, communities, systems, and beyond to encourage a variety of entities to envision strategies for interventions and impact from a holistic and systemic perspective. This paradigm along with the Cost of Darkness documentary and seven other components can be done in parts or as a process encouraging systemic change. These components include the following:

●     The Cost Of Darkness Documentary

●     Documentary Guide (in which includes this brochure)

●     “Dynamics of Oppression” Poster

●     “Institutional” PowerPoints (to accompany the documentary)

●     “Have/Have Nots” PowerPoints

●     Documentary Institutional Summary Papers

●     Four Zones to come out of your “The Comfort Zone” paper (and a PowerPoint)

●     Deconstructing supremacy ideology

●     Ongoing equity/inclusion presentations to continue to grow knowledge and to be customized for organizational, community, and systems work. The result would be to create a customized roadmap for your space.

(**Please Note: There is also an adapted paradigm approach for youth.)

We have partnered with college students, active researchers, educators, activists, and community members across the United States who have been impacted significantly by generational supremacy ideology, race-based historical policies, and oppression. The paradigm will also explore the societal impact of supremacy ideology and examine color bias and racism in the following American institutions: politics, health care/pandemics, the media, criminal justice, education, the economic system, and the environment. Two additional segments examine white supremacy and being Black in our society. The paradigm and the Cost of Darkness documentary is designed to create an institutional and historical “mindshare” so that organizations, communities, and others can develop visions, roadmaps for success, and interventions that address the root causes of inequities. This would increase the chances of having solutions that are more effective. As we explore these issues against our major institution’s ongoing problems, an informed approach to what this country, and the world, are facing is critical. Though everyone is affected negatively, to some degree, inequity and ineffective solutions are impacting people with darker skin exponentially. Hence, the needle is not moving very much when it comes to addressing equity-related outcomes. By examining policies and interventions, both successful and failed, we might identify traits of sound policy development and more impactful interventions. Research, added to the needs of impacted communities, is essential for long-term change in our inequitable systems.

The paradigm and the documentary, along with its accompanying facilitation before and after each segment, allows for a “Human Systems Dynamics” approach, which involves the intersectionality of various institutions and systems that affect people. The following research question guided our efforts: How will policies and interventions, derived through a historical lens and a shared, informed, foundational understanding of caste systems, inequity, supremacy ideology, Eugenics, and oppression use their impact to enhance policy development and strategies for systemic change? The desired outcome is greater impact for change.

The Cost of Darkness documentary, as a part of the Paradigm for transforming individuals, communities, systems, and beyond, is designed to be viewed and facilitated in eight sessions, from 2-2.5 hours each, allowing for the following:

  • Gives a foundational introduction to historical practices, constructs, policies, and generational supremacy ideology, which still affect outcomes for a variety of impacted groups and systems today.

  • Facilitates a deeper discussion of historical inequity, oppression, and supremacy ideology so that more effective solutions can be explored.

  • Lays a foundation and an understanding of a  “Compounded Institutional Impact,” which affects the social determinants of health (i.e., caste characteristics and the dynamics that make it difficult for people to thrive), and the complicated structures which require thoughtful strategies.

  • Plants the seeds and impetus for a systems approach, built on evidence-based strategies, goals, and objectives, which address the root causes of the challenges we are seeing. It also creates interventions that are more likely to be informed and successful long term.

  • Encourages the building of a “Mosaic model” of approach, where a variety of partners work together, focusing on their particular strengths, as part of a “Whole” system approach that fights against oppression.

  • Informs policy creation, strategies, interventions, and approaches so that efforts are more impactful long term.

It is our belief that when policymakers are informed and understand the historical pillars that have created the extreme challenges BIPOC communities (Black, Indigenous, and People of Color) experience, then interventions and sound policy development will be more effective. If decision-makers are aware of what causes the dynamics of oppression, seen in our institutions, their strategies and interventions that impact millions would have a higher likelihood for success. This would also encourage collaboration to make change and not act in isolation or reactionary ways.

We must not operate in fragmented and crisis-driven ways and expect real change in our country and world. Our approaches must be based on, at minimum, a general understanding of the historical concepts of caste, supremacy ideology, genocide, chattel slavery, inequity, injustice, and oppression and how they create what we call a “Compounded Institutional Impact.” This knowledge will change how we envision solutions, policies, interventions, and overall strategies, giving us a greater chance of systemic shifts and overhaul in our institutions and society. Understanding this will plant seeds for real change and approach to our overall work.


The Culture C.O-.O.P Promotes respect for Systemic Change, Equity, Cultural Competency, Inclusion, literacy and a quality Education for all? We work with all age groups, organizations, and segments of society. We understand that there is intersectionality in all  sectors of our communities, work spaces and country, and that holistic, comprehensive approaches are optimal for creating equitable environments where all people thrive. Our approaches are research based, cross-generational, and founded on over 35 years of direct experience in the field. We collaborate with various partners to meet the specific needs of those that we are engaged with in our work. We work with all cultural groups from a variety of backgrounds.


The Culture C.O -.O.P operates against the backdrop of a historical context and understanding of supremacy ideology, inequity, oppression, injustice, and inequality, which create the gaps, challenges, poor systemic outcomes, and distress that we are seeing in communities, our country, and world. Whether it’s cultural misunderstandings in the workplace or entrenched structural practices, our work is comprehensive, impactful, and provides roadmaps for change. Our Paradigm for Transforming individuals, families, communities, businesses, institutions, and beyond, is based on the following components: A Series of in-services and gatherings- Monday Messages customized to your setting - selected educational offerings and videos - learning opportunities – and a facilitated journey through a documentary called: The Cost of Darkness. Our documentary, which is a part of our paradigm, is designed to create a foundation for more informed planning, Interventions, and systemic change where needed. Our goal is to make strategies for optimizing efficiency, within environments, more effective. Hence, we start with building trust and assist participants in becoming more culturally competent and knowledgeable. Please read the summary below regarding The Cost Of Darkness Documentary.

Cost of Darkness Summary

The Culture C.O-.O.P, in partnership with UC Davis Students, Equity Partners from around the country, Educators, Special Guests, and Community Members who have been impacted significantly by inequity, oppression, injustice and supremacy ideology, have created this documentary to encourage a variety of entities to envision strategies for effective interventions, and impact their environments from a more holistic perspective.  It is designed to create a foundational “mindshare” so that individuals, organizations, communities and others will develop visions, roadmaps for success, and action steps, which address the “root” causes of the inequities we see in society, and increase chances for having solutions which are more effective.  A holistic and informed  approach is critical as we explore all of these issues against the current challenges our major institutions, Country and the World is facing. Inequity, and ineffective solutions are especially impacting people with darker skin, though everyone is affected negatively, to some degree. Hence, we are not seeing the needle move much when it comes to addressing equity related outcomes for all. This documentary, along with facilitation before and after each segment, allows people to improve outcomes, in their settings, form a “Human Systems Dynamics,” perspective and not in isolation, or reactionary ways. The documentary is designed to be used in 8 sessions of 2 hours each which allows for the following:

  • Gives a foundational introduction to historical practices, constructs, policies, and supremacy ideology which still affect outcomes for a variety of cultural groups and systems today

  • Facilitates a deeper discussion of historical inequity, oppression and supremacy ideology so that deeper solutions can be explored 

  • Lays a foundational knowledge base and understanding of the concept of “Compounded Institutional Impact” and the complicated structures they create which require creative and thoughtful strategies to overcome

  • Plants the seeds and impetus for a systems approach, built upon evidence-based strategies, goals, and objectives, which address the root causes of the challenges we are seeing. In addition, it encourages thoughtful interventions which are more likely to be informed and successful long term.

  • Encourages the building of a “Mosaic” approach where a variety of partners work together, focusing on their particular strengths, but as a part of a “Whole,” system of approach

  • The Paradigm for transformation, of which the Documentary is a part of, is designed for long-term systemic changes which uses a variety of strategies to impact things like entrenched inequity, Racism/isms, and the marginalization of impacted cultural groups in general, which is historic and disproportionally impacts marginalized populations, though everyone overall.

Paradigm Logistics

We also serve as a catalyst for anyone or group who wants to begin to construct a roadmap for greater success in their work , helping them to identify best practices for change. We inspire, model excellence, and encourage detailed examination of how groups may be inadvertently promoting the status quo. The Culture C.O-.O.P also connects those we are partnering with in our work, to other resources they may need.

 We recommend sessions occur weekly but no less than once a month. In between, participants are sent Monday messages, appropriate for your setting,  which inspire, encourage self-care,  and share pertinent information and ongoing education. The messages are designed to continue the learning process in ways that are not overwhelming in between sessions.   See the sample below

Monday Affirmation 😊 :  I hope you all had a fabulous weekend! You are more powerful than you think. Be still, write down a goal, personal or professional, and take one step towards it this week. Over time, you will begin to realize your objectives.  Never give up!

Ongoing Education/ Tip:   I want to invite all of you to see our virtual preview of the Documentary “ The Cost OF Darkness.”  It really is foundational to the work you are doing.  Designed to be used with pre and post-discussions that are customized to your demographic, it creates critical mindshare that is foundational to any equity efforts. There are 8 sections and we will be previewing four of them, including Education. I hope you join us on May 30th from 2-4. In addition, please read the short article attached about efficiency in the workplace.

Self-Care:  Did you know that people who meditate just 15 minutes a day are more likely to be less stressed overall?  It’s true. Check out the simple mediation


Have an excellent rest of your week and do something special just for you!

  Participants/ Organizations are encouraged to continue with other Inservice/gathering opportunities to help them achieve at least a 30 to 40 percent satiation rate of cultural competency , efficiency, and practice. The Culture C.O-.O.P encourages our partners to  begin auditing their own systems with the goal of reaching identified goals and serving diverse populations better. We, or one of our suggested providers, are available to help those who desire to do this.

Gathering and Meeting

 Bringing practice to life. The Culture C.O-.O.P also encourages partners to participate in events, opportunities, experiences and discussions which bring all that they are learning to real life. Experience has taught us that this a vital part of any learning process for those interested in creating significant change. Hence, we provide learning situations for those who want a well rounded experience as it relates to equity, diversity and Inclusion.

Bringing Practice to Life

The cost of the aforementioned depends on the degree to which potential partners commit to our overall approach, numbers of participants, and the type of organization you are.( Ex. Non-profit versus a Business). A discount is given to those who choose to do ongoing work with our organization as opposed to one interaction, though we offer limited sessions too. We recommend entities start off with a “keynote” address which allows as many participants as they desire, explains our work, inspires participants, and lays the foundation for a potential systems approach. Organizations are encouraged to partner with others to share costs. For a direct quote, please call our office at 530-902-4534. Feel free to visit our website at www.cultureco-op.com. All services are offered virtually and in person, though due to Covid -19, and for your safety and ours, please calling us regarding the best way we can serve you! We look forward to partnering with you soon.

Fee For Services

Call Us: 530-902-4534

Email Us: info@CultureCo-Op.com

We all can make a difference, anytime and anywhere. We must decide that we want to and then plan accordingly, equipping ourselves with knowledge, a plan, and action. Together we can change ourselves, communities, work environments, and our country for the better. Our young people deserve nothing less. Systemic approaches to change or critical, take time and must be strategic if we truly want to make a difference. I hope you choose to do just that

Sandy Lynne Holman